Smiiile (noun)
1. A three-eyed ideogram that pays homage to the concept of the "third eye" or mind’s eye, symbolizing perception beyond ordinary sight. It represents enlightenment, intuition, and a speculative ability to see deeper truths.
2. An artistic evolution of the smiley face, an icon of global popular culture since the 1950s, combining the universal symbol of happiness with esoteric traditions rooted in Hinduism, Buddhism, and mysticism. The design reflects a blend of positivity and introspection, encouraging viewers to look inward while engaging with the external world.
Etymology and History
For millennia, humans have used smiling faces in pictograms and ideograms to convey joy and connection. The classic smiley face, first popularized in the 20th century, became a countercultural emblem of peace and love and later a commercialized global icon. In the late 20th century, it was trademarked, sparking debates over the privatization of public symbols.
For millennia, humans have used smiling faces in pictograms and ideograms to convey joy and connection. The classic smiley face, first popularized in the 20th century, became a countercultural emblem of peace and love and later a commercialized global icon. In the late 20th century, it was trademarked, sparking debates over the privatization of public symbols.
The Smiiile project emerges as a response to these debates, drawing inspiration from the mystical concept of the third eye. Found in Indian spiritual traditions, the third eye represents the ajna chakra—a gateway to higher consciousness, religious visions, and spiritual enlightenment. By integrating this symbolism, smiiile reclaims the smiley face as a shared cultural and spiritual emblem, transcending its commodification to inspire introspection and universal connection.
Example Sentences
• The artist DIMA used the "Smiiile" symbol to convey a message of universal love and inner peace.
• The Smiiile logo became a popular emblem for meditation centers and spiritual communities.
• The designer incorporated the Smiiile motif into the artwork, inviting viewers to contemplate both the external world and their inner selves."